reunite your customers with lost belongings

Every day Co-op Cab riders forget personal belongings in our vehicles.
Please remind customers to make sure they have all their belongings with them before exiting the cab. This will help to reduce the number of items that customers are leaving behind and provide them with an overall better customer service experience.

**Remember, if a customer does leave a personal item in your cab, you are required to report it to dispatch with the time, date, destination/pickup location and name (if known) of the fare.**

A lot of things can be forgotten in the backseat of a cab. Whether the item has a monetary value or not, personal belongings are valuable to the customer. If they leave without a belonging, they end up having to take time out of their busy lives to track down the missing item(s). Trying to locate belongings after they have departed from their driver takes our customers away from enjoying the things and people that matter to them, something we never want to see happen.

**Help to enhance customer service**

If items are unable to be retrieved and returned, Co-op customers have not received the best possible customer service experience. It is up to drivers to give customers a helping hand by encouraging all customers to remember all their personal items.

At Co-op Cabs we strive to give top notch customer service and reuniting customers with their forgotten items is an important key to doing so.

**Prevent lost belongings**

Reducing forgotten items is everyone responsibility, including drivers. The best way to ensure that none of your customers forget important belongings is to ask if they have all their personal items before they exit the vehicle.
Remember, lost item reduction is everyone responsibility and an important way to give Co-op customers the excellent service they have come to know and love us for.