The following rules and regulations apply to all Co-op Cabs drivers, contracted or otherwise. It is the driver`s responsibility to read and adhere to these rules and regulations. Failure to do so will result in suspension or termination of contracted services. Any questions or need for clarification should be directed to the Operations Manager or designate responsible for contracted drivers.

All Co-op Cabs drivers must possess the following;

  • Clean Abstract
  • Clear Vulnerable Sector Check
  • Valid Ontario Driver’s Licence
  • Valid Vehicle For Hire Licence (including Accessible Endorsement where applicable)
  1. Co-op Cabs has zero tolerance for failure to renew any/all driver-related licences on time. Drivers must ensure all driver-related licences are current and valid.
  2. In accordance with legislative requirements, drivers are not permitted to drive more than 72 hours per week. Exceeding this limit can result in fines, suspensions and/or termination of contracted services.
  3. Drivers will be familiar with and obey all traffic regulations and local by-laws.
  4. Drivers must report, in writing, to the Operations Manager or designate any and all convictions resulting from operating a motor vehicle (business or personal).
  5. Drivers are responsible for any fines, damage or penalties resulting from unlawful or prohibited use of the motor vehicle including moving violation or parking tickets, etc.
  6. In the event of a vehicle collision, drivers must adhere to the Vehicle Accident Reporting Policy and procedures.
  7. Using hand-held cell phones in a vehicle while driving or transporting a customer is strictly prohibited.
  8. Drivers are required to inspect the vehicle daily by performing a “circle check” of their vehicle prior to starting their shift to ensure the vehicle is running properly.
  9. Drivers must ensure that they have the proper tools and equipment on board to complete their work. Drivers will ensure that all required tools and equipment are in working order. The driver will report any discrepancies or defective tools and equipment to the Operations Manager or designate.
  10. Drivers must appear for scheduled inspections including safety checks and cannot refuse to repair a car as instructed.
  11. All drivers will submit to regular audits of their performance by a Co-op Cabs On-Street Mobile Supervisor.
  12. Any incident of any type which occurs with a customer (vehicle accident, a fall, illness, dispute) must be communicated to the dispatch office immediately. Driver must wait for further instructions from the dispatcher.
  13. Co-op Cabs has zero tolerance for failure to carry car insurance at all times. Drivers must be prepared to present, upon request, the Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Card (insurance pink slip) along with the vehicle ownership, and their Driver’s Licence and Vehicle For Hire Licence.
  14. Drivers understand that if they are on a prescribed medication that will impair their driving or that they have ingested or are under the influence of alcohol, recreational drugs or any other ability altering substance that they will not accept a trip assignment.
  15. Drivers must only use their own ID, which has been assigned by Co-op Cabs management. Any misuse of this will result in a management review before being allowed to return to service.
  16. Drivers must have the computer tablet on at all times and be logged in to the system.
  17. Deliberate tampering, sabotage or damage to Company and/or T.T.C. property will result in suspension or termination of services.
  18. Using cellular phones or beepers or private business cards or any device to solicit customers for personal or private benefit is subject to suspension or termination of contracted services.
  19. Drivers are prohibited from running personal errands while under schedule.
  20. Drivers will not allow others to perform any part of their designated duties.
  21. Any vehicle found to be dirty outside and/or unsanitary inside shall be removed from service until reinstated by the dispatch supervisor or a mobile supervisor.
  22. Any driver not properly attired and of clean hygienic appearance, shall be removed from service until reinstated by the management.
  23. Dishonesty, theft or aiding in the commission of theft or removal of property from the Company’s premises or the Company’s customer’s premises without proper authorization will result in immediate suspension or termination of services and may also result in criminal charges being laid.
  24. Co-op Cabs has zero tolerance for intimidation, coercion or improper or indecent conduct including use of rude, abusive, belligerent or foul language, threats, and sexual harassment directed at a fellow driver, a staff member, a passenger or a customer.
  25. Drivers are not permitted to smoke in a company-owned vehicle and are responsible for ensuring the vehicle is kept free of smoke fumes and are scent-free.
  26. Possessing, transporting, dealing, using or being under the influence of liquor and/or recreational or illicit drugs while on duty is strictly prohibited and will result in suspension or termination of services.
  27. Possession of firearms or other dangerous weapons while on duty or in the vehicle is strictly prohibited and will result in suspension or termination of services.
  28. Drivers agree to keep confidential all information about Co-op Cab strips, clients, other workers, our internal costs, operating procedures, operating policies, discount rates, reservation methods, scheduling methods, accounting information, trip information, marketing, sales, advertising strategies, and any other information relating to Co-op Cabs Furthermore, they are prohibited from loaning, sharing, copying, or presenting the Co-op Cabs policy manual or any other Co-op Cabs documentation to anyone else inside or outside of the company.
  29. Drivers understand that they are not to share any information with other drivers about trips that have been assigned, including any details about a client, passenger, and /or other workers personal business, which is also confidential. They will not ask for, solicit or imply requests for photographs, autographs, personal favours, or request of any kind from any passenger or client.
  30. Drivers understand that if they accept an assignment, they must complete it.
  31. Should any driver determine they are running late for their next scheduled pick up, the driver must notify their dispatcher at least thirty (30) minutes before their next scheduled pick-up time to ask for further instructions.
  32. Drivers must make every attempt to make contact with the customer.
  33. Drivers must wait at least five (5) minutes past the due time before they report a “no show” customer. Prior to leaving the address, the Dispatch Supervisor must conduct a GPS verification of the vehicle. Therefore, Drivers are only permitted to leave an address when authorized to do so by the Dispatch Supervisor.
  34. When picking up a passenger at a public place (i.e. hospital, mall, medical building) all drivers must go into the lobby or entrance and announce their arrival clearly and identify themselves as Co-op Cabs drivers. Drivers must ensure that they retrieve the passenger with the correct name and destination address.
  35. When picking up at an apartment (if the passenger is not waiting in lobby), the driver must buzz the appropriate code or apartment number. Wait for a person to answer and identify themselves, then wait for the customer to come down to the lobby. Remember to always offer them assistance to the vehicle.
  36. When encountering customers with a visible or identified disability, drivers must:
  37. offer to assist the customers in getting in/out of the vehicle;
  38. offer to assist the customers in putting on/taking off the seatbelts; and
  39. ensure the customers are able to gain entry into the building at the drop-off location.
  40. Drivers must ensure that passengers are never left alone in a running vehicle.
  41. Drivers will assist passengers to the closest accessible entrance of their drop-off location and ensure the passenger is able to gain entry into the building.
  42. If any lost items are found, the following steps are to be taken;
  43. Notify dispatch that items have been found in the vehicle;
  44. label the item(s), with the customer’s name; and
  45. return items to the Co-op Cabs office, unless dispatch advises otherwise.
  46. It is understood that Drivers are independent self-employed contractors, solely responsible for their own licencing fees, Income Tax, H.S.T., Canada Pension Plan (or any other pension plan) contributions.
  47. Drivers are responsible for their own H.S.T. collection and remittance and must obtain an H.S.T. number and provide the H.S.T. number upon request.
  48. Drivers are not permitted to use any non-authorized third-party app while working with Co-op Cabs.
  49. In the interest of public health and safety, Drivers will strictly adhere to all Health Canada; Ontario Ministry of Health; Toronto Public Health and A.T.T.C.L directives and protocols intended to protect both the driver and public health and well being.